Behind the Helm

Small-Scale Mass Combat in Mark of the Odd: Squads

It is a truth universally acknowledged that big groups of weak enemies suck to run. Having to track 7 different HP pools for 7 different skeletons after a random encounter roll is ridiculously slow, and way slower than it needs to be.

Cairn has a solution for this, in the form of Detachments: groups of two-dozen or more combatants all fighting as a group count as one creature, who can only be damaged from area-of-effect (or Blast, more accurately) attacks. And this is a fantastic mechanic, mind you: having to create massive Blast damage without the means of doing so readily accessible is one of those OSR-style challenges that's always fun, no matter the environment.

But Detachments only make sense for groups of enemies of really large scale. For your run-of-the-mill 2d6 skeleton random encounter, a Detachment would be overkill. 7 or so skeletons should be able to be damaged and potentially entirely defeated by a few adventurers with regular weapons, although with some difficulty. So I propose a middle-ground: the Squad.


A Squad is a single fighting unit, abstracting about 5-10 weak combatants. Here's an example Skeleton Squad.

CC 7 - DT 4 - Shortsword or Bow (d6)

It works thusly: Every time the characters roll their damage dice to attack the Squad, check all the damage dice that meet or beat the DT (Damage Treshold). For every die that does, the CC (Combatant Count) gets reduced by one. At 0 CC the Squad is slain. (When the CC is at only 1 or 2, feel free to sub the Squad combatants for regular enemies if you find it easier). Rules for Morale apply as written.

The Squad attacks with a number of damage dice equal to its CC, which can be split between targets. (Unlike a Detachment, the Attacks a Squad makes do not have Blast).

When writing the stats for a Squad, the DT is primarily set by how tough the individual enemy is: it can go from 3 for ultra-weak enemies like zombies to 6 for tougher foes like wolves.

Example Combat


Enemy: Skeleton Squad - CC 7, DT 4, Shortsword or Bow (d6)

Closing Thoughts

This example combat was quite the slapping contest, not really an ideal situation for an interesting combat, but a good showcase example.

The way Squads function mechanically lends itself to some avenues for tactical superiority:


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