Behind the Helm

More Medieval Weapons, Please!

It's a bummer the Middle Ages ended so early. I mean, the fact that society ended up developing things like printing and welfare is handy and all, but think of all the medieval weapons we missed out on!

Jokes aside, the relatively small quantity of plausible medieval weapons has always bugged me. I'm always short on things like varieties of polearms and two-handed weapons, and end up writing the same 6 ones over and over and over again; if like me, you have an interest in the failed experiments of history that didn't make it big, keep reading.

The Weapon Creation Table

So, to solve this problem, I have resorted to the sharpest weapon in my arsenal: Spark Tables.

d20 Prefix Weapon
1 Assassin's Arquesbus
2 Broad- Axe
3 Chain- Bow
4 Curved Club
5 Delver's Crossbow
6 Disc- Dagger
7 Double- Flail
8 Fire- Fork
9 Flanged Hammer
10 Footman's Handcannon
11 Great- Lance
12 Hand- Mace
13 Hook- Pick
14 Horseman's Pistol
15 Long- Scythe
16 Pole- Sling
17 Push- Spear
18 Reinforced Spike
19 Short- Staff
20 Tall- Sword

Well, let's try it out, shall we?


(8, 5) Fire-Crossbow - d8 Bulky, move-or-fire

#combat #mark of the odd #weapons